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Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC

We proudly serve Charleston County incluing Woodhaven, Lighthouse Point, Farmington, Lynnwood, Hillside, Oak Forest, Oceanview, Mount Pleasant, Green Acres, Northbridge and Charleston.

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC also provides you with complete laser hair removal treatments, leaving you feeling pampered and looking fantastic.

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC Body Common Areas


Laser Hair Removal is one of the most relaxing things you can do with your hair. There’s nothing better than being completely smooth after shaving.

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC
Your peaceful oasis for every day


Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC OPEN HOURS:

We are here for you Monday through Saturday!

Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM

Sunday: Closed

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC POPULAR SERVICES

At Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC, each service is customized according to the client’s individual needs as well as the therapist’s own talents and training.

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC


Visit one of our multiple sessions.

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC




This is a common area to treat laser hair removal. But, shaving can cause irritation and bumps in hard to reach areas.


It can be awkward to wear certain clothing items for patients who have darkened arms. Laser hair removal can be a great option for those with dark, thick arm hairs. Repetitive shaving can lead to razor burn, cyst formation, ingrown hairs and more frequent underarm shaves. The laser destroys hair follicles and closes pores, leaving smooth skin. You can stop shaving, waxing and ingrown hairs from your underarms.


Laser hair removal offers a quick and efficient customized solution for Charleston men who want smoother, less-haired or thinner-looking back and chest areas. You can now take off your shirt and reveal smooth, hairless skin.


It is difficult to conceal fuzz around the eyes and it is often visible. The focus is on your face, so no one would want it to be on dark hairs on your cheeks, upper lips, or sideburns. Unappealing hair can be a detriment to self-confidence. The laser hair removal process can remove unwanted hair and make it invisible to others.

For best results, most patients require 3 to 5 treatments spread over 3 to 4 weeks. The sessions are spaced out so that the areas treated can heal. This allows hair follicles to enter active growth phase, which is when the laser can be most effective.

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC

People who worry about their hairy stomachs might find a hairy back to be nothing. It is possible to get rid of hair that’s too thick or thin for some individuals.

Anna Chacon MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist, says that most people have hair growing around their anus or on their stomachs. However, if you feel it is causing you discomfort or emotional distress you might want to get rid of it.

It is considered to be problematic only if you are concerned about it and it affects your life quality. She says that folliculitis is characterized by itching, discomfort, or ingrown hairs due to excessive hair growth.

She says that hair in the back of the buttocks could be due to a variety of factors, including genetics, hypertrichosis, or just plain luck.

It’s usually light and delicate, says Stacy Chimento MD of Riverchase dermatology. It performs many of the same functions that pubic hair. To keep warm, the body hair of humans used to be thicker. She says that evolution has led to less hair. It may seem unattractive to some, but it’s actually purposeful. The coarse hairs prevent skin patches from rubbing together, which can be irritating for some.

Laser treatment may be an option if you are suffering from a particular condition. It is a permanent hair removal technique. Dr. Chacon states that lasers can be used for excessive, cosmetically-dispabling hair caused by hypertrichosis and hirsutism.

Laser hair removal on chest

Many people forget to mention that unwanted hair is a problem for men as well. We are not like that. We can take control of your hair, no matter where it is located: on your stomach, back, stomach or abdomen. Our most requested service is Laser Hair Removal of Back Hair.

Lasers can target hair follicles to stop them from growing back. Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC allows our doctors to adjust the settings of the lasers for larger areas. This is ideal for treating areas such as the abdomen, chest and stomach. They can usually complete a back hair removal in under an hour. We are America’s number one choice for Laser Hair Removal.

Laser Hair Removal of the navel is often combined with treatment for the bikini. This is especially true for women who want to remove their “happy trails” (or hairs in the abdominal region).

Laser Hair Removal costs vary depending on how many hairs are removed, and what areas of the body. Although we can treat any type of hair, it is possible to remove them from almost all areas. We will need to talk with you about your specific needs to create a plan for you.

Some men want a smooth and hairless chest, others simply wish to trim some unwanted chest hairs. We offer customized services to remove undesirable chest hairs. This area is often a source of unwanted hair for many women. We can discreetly and quickly remove nipple and other hairs. This treatment takes less than one hour.

Laser hair removal is the only real option for men looking to permanently remove their chest hair.

The most common cosmetic procedure for men is laser hair removal of the chest. Laser hair removal is the best method to achieve a smooth, bare chest.

Laser Hair Removal In Pubic Area

laser hair removal in Pubic area

This article will explain how to remove Brazilian or bikini hairs laser-free. Let’s talk about how we can remove all unwanted hair.

It’s hard to find a better feeling than getting out of the shower and seeing your skin smooth. Imagine that feeling every day, but without the hassle of shaving. Brazilian Laser Hair Removal will make it easy to say good-bye to your old razor routine, and welcome smooth, long-lasting skin.

Brazilian laser hair removal removes almost all of the pubic hair. This is a permanent treatment that can be used to remove hair permanently, rather than shaving or waxing. Lasers target hair follicles and emit light energy that stops them from growing. It takes less than one hour. You can have smooth and clean skin in no time with Brazilian Laser Hair Removal.

Brazilian laser hair removal will be performed by a registered nurse, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. The registered nurse, nurse practitioner or physician assistant will laser only the areas that you have shaved. You can choose.

Smooth skin isn’t just for women. Laser Hair Removal is a popular choice for men to get rid of their pubic hair. It’s effective and lasts a long time. Brazilian Laser Hair Treatment is available to people of all ages and professions. We aim to make you feel comfortable during these procedures.

Laser is the future of shaving and waxing. Brazilian Laser Hair Removal is a permanent method to eliminate pubic hair. Ideal Image’s Brazilian Laser Hair Treatment is a popular and highly-recommended treatment for Laser Hair Removal.

The pubic hairs are completely shed from beneath the skin. The results of Laser Hair Removal vary depending on how many treatments were used and what hair type they are. However, it is possible to eliminate the pubic hair from the underside of the skin.

Laser Hair Removal costs vary depending on how many hairs are removed. Although we can treat any part of your body for hair removal, each person is different. We will discuss your specific needs and create a customized package for you when you visit us for a free consultation.

A Brazilian can be used to remove most pubic hairs. However, it is not as effective as a complete Brazilian. You can leave one or more hairs, including a triangle, neat strips, custom designs, and even no hair at all.

Laser Hair Removal On Lip

Hairline refers to the line between your temples and the top of your brow. Each session takes approximately 10 minutes. It feels almost like a rubberband hitting your skin. Then, you feel a cool sensation.

To start, all areas need at least six sessions. To see 75%-95% hair loss, the average hairline needs between 6-12 sessions. You will need to do more than 12 sessions to alter your hairline. Until hair growth slows, treatments are spread out 4 weeks apart. Sessions are spaced between 5 and 7 weeks depending on the individual’s progress. Avoid sun exposure for four weeks prior to treatment. For 2 weeks prior to treatment, avoid waxing, tweezing or antibiotic use. Please let us know if you’re using any acne medications or products.

Unwanted hair can be a normal part of our lives. We trim our underarms and face. We waxe our legs, and then endure full-on Brazilian bikini waxes. We pluck our eyebrows and then tweeze them.

The more we spend time on hair removal the more annoying and tedious it becomes. The hair will always grow back, no matter how DIY you try.

No one is immune to the dangers of forehead hair. For many men and women, forehead hair can be a concern.

Are you tired of those unsightly hairs on your forehead? This article will tell you everything about laser hair removal for foreheads.

The hair grows at the base of your eyebrows. The peach fuzz grows just above your eyebrows. There are also the eyebrows and all those hairs between them.

There are many ways to get rid of any type of forehead hair. Many of these methods are easy to do at home.

Although these are the best methods to get rid of forehead hair at your home, there are other options.

You can also use epilators and depilatory creams on your own. You can also thread.

You can also use natural methods like oatmeal scrubs or sugar-lime mixtures to get rid of the short hairs on your forehead.

DIY is easy and inexpensive. You can easily spend hours removing unsightly hairs over your life.

Laser hair removal is, as the name implies, the use of powerful lasers. The laser beams light pulses directly into the hair’s follicles, dissolving it at the root.

Permanent results can only be achieved with multiple sessions. However, small areas may require several sessions. Each session lasts just a few seconds. Longer sessions are required for larger areas such as the back and legs.

It can feel like pressing a rubber band on the skin. Others describe it as feeling like sprinkling bacon grease. Although it can be uncomfortable the first time laser treatment is performed, most people report that the discomfort level is very minimal.

You should first schedule an appointment with a laser technician if permanent hair removal is something you are considering.

Your technician will go over the entire process with you during your first consultation. Based on the type of your hair and skin, they will let you know how many treatments are necessary and what you can expect.

The technician will give detailed instructions. Your technician will also give you detailed instructions on what to do, and not do, before starting your treatment.

It is important to not expose yourself to the sun for at least two weeks before you start treatment. It includes both natural and artificial sun tanning.

Why? To be effective, the skin must have a natural amount of melanin.

The area cannot be waxed or pluck for at least a few weeks before treatment. You will need to tolerate some hair growth. The laser cannot be used if the hair is pulled from its root by waxing or plucking.

You will need to stop taking certain drugs in the days before treatment.

Your technician will inform you what to expect following treatment during your first consultation. It is crucial to have an aftercare plan in place for successful facial hair removal.

It is not uncommon to feel mild side effects like redness and swelling within the first hour after treatment. You can treat them with a simple moisturizer with aloe. These effects usually disappear within hours for most people.

To get the best possible results, it is equally important to follow the correct aftercare plans as you followed the pretreatment instructions.

Avoid direct sunlight and any activity that can cause your scalp to sweat. Avoid hot water, saunas and steam baths for 24 hours after treatment.

Multiple sessions may be required. Pretreatment instructions will need to be followed again.

Sometimes, permanent hair loss may be possible. Follow-up treatment may be necessary in these cases.

It is painless and permanent. It is safe for all parts of your body except the eyelashes. If you wish, you can also remove the hair from your scalp.

Are you ready to remove those unwanted eyebrow hairs and those in-between-the-brows hairs? Do you want to get rid of baby hairs and be able to wear different styles? Laser hair removal is a great option.

Laser Hair Removal On Lip

We all know that most people have hair where they don’t want it. That annoying unibrow. You might also want to eliminate those unwanted sideburns. Do not let your confidence slip because of fuzz. Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC can remove unwanted hair from your neck, upper lip and chin. Say goodbye to dreadful skin!

Laser hair removal can permanently and safely reduce unwanted hairs without the negative effects of shaving. The lasers can remove the worst hairs and are gentle enough to be used on the skin. You can trust our medical team to help you feel at ease. For men, the most common areas to be treated are the neck and neckline. Common treatment areas for women include the neck, upper lip, sideburns and chin.

Laser hair removal targets dark pigment in facial hair at its root. It destroys it immediately upon contact. You’ll be one step closer towards the beautiful, smooth skin that you have always hoped for. Each session takes only minutes. You can have the treatment in your lunch hour and get on with your day.

Laser Hair Removal is a popular choice for men who want smoother skin. Facial laser hair removal can be used to remove unwanted, painful bumps and skin irritation. Laser hair removal is a better option than other methods. Laser hair removal allows you to select the areas that you wish to keep perfect smooth.

Laser Hair Removal in Charleston SC FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers

Hair removal from a destroyed hair follicle is permanent. However, people who undergo hair removal can expect that some hair in the targeted area will grow back.

Laser hair removal can cause temporary irritation. There may be some reddening and swelling around the treated area. These effects are not significant. These effects are common for other methods of hair removal like waxing.

Lasers can be used to remove unwanted hair from the head, legs, chin, arms, back, underarm, bikini lines, and other areas. Laser hair removal has many benefits, including precision. Lasers can be used to selectively remove dark and coarse hairs, while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.

Laser hair removal is painless in most cases. This is especially true when compared to waxing. It is described as feeling like being pulled by a rubber band. Laser hair removal is a painless procedure that can be adjusted to suit your individual pain tolerance and the area being lasered.

Lasers can cause severe burns or skin discoloration. You will need to protect your skin from sunburns until you have healed from laser treatment. You can get another scar from the sun’s damaging rays.

We proudly serve all of Charleston County including Woodhaven, Lighthouse Point, Farmington, Lynnwood, Hillside, Oak Forest, Oceanview, Mount Pleasant, Green Acres, Northbridge and Charleston


Charleston, South Carolina